28 April 2004

Should married couples work together?

Ah yes, today we delve into that age-old question: Should you work with your spouse? I'm leaving for a year; Sara's filling in for me. It's good all the way around because it keeps Sara busy (and employed) while also having someone who won't mind when I come back next year and take my job back. But I digress...

So, today's Wednesday, THE busiest day of the week. I have Sara come in and learn some of the ropes for what happens on Wednesdays. To be honest, now that we don't have the 8th grade class to teach, it's not too much. Anyway, I have her lay out the news and notes, prepare the lesson for tonight, and generally get a feel for what's happening. There's just one minor flaw on my part: I forget that Sara doesn't read minds. I found myself expecting her to do things that she should have no earthly idea that she should be doing. There were expectations that I had but I hadn't communicated them to her yet. When I found myself losing it, I paused and thought about why I was mad. I realized that I had no right to be upset with her for something that I hadn't explained.

I also realized that it may be my own anger at having to leave a place that needs me and wants me for another place that may not need me or want me at all. Oh well, it wouldn't be the first time that I was someplace where I wasn't need and/ or wanted. I'll just have to win them over with boyish good looks and charming personality. Or else just hide somewhere out of the way until it's all over.

To answer the question above, it was good to work with my wife today. I hope that she would say the same.


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