11 May 2005


Not so much a deep spiritual insight as an exciting milestone in my life.

Saturday is my second first triathlon. (Read that again, let it sink in, and then I'll explain.)

My first first triathlon was April 30th. I got there early, registered, got my body marked with my race number, set up my transition area...and then ran like heck to the picnic shelter as the rain came in. Because of lightning in the area, they turned the triathlon into a 5k run, which I completed in 22:48. Not great; certainly not my best, but not bad. But, I have been running and swimming, too, dagnabit! I want to "tri!"

So, Saturday I'll try again. It's a 600 yd swim, which is 200 yds longer than I've been able to do in the pool so far, followed by a 12.8 mile bike ride, which will be less than half of my usual 30 mile training rides, ending with a 5k run, which is 2 miles shorter than my long runs of 5 miles.

On second thought, maybe there is a spiritual lesson in all of this. Over the last 3.5 months, I've been training by running, swimming, and biking. I've worked hard and logged a whole lot of time doing these things. I have worked hard to re-shape my body (I've lost almost 20 pounds) and make it my slave. I was all set two weeks ago...but what I was preparing for didn't happen. God's will be done, as we pray in the Lord's Prayer. By all means, we should prepare for the things that are ahead of us, but even if they don't come to pass, we can rest assured that God has something else, maybe something better, for us in mind.

I'll let you all know how this weekend turns out. Peace be with you all!


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