29 June 2005

Swimming Breakthrough

Monday was a red-letter day for me...even for a Monday.

I swam my first mile. Well, 1500m to be exact, but I'm calling it a mile. It's pretty freakin' close.

I'm really amazed at how far I have come in just six months. I started swimming in January. I had to teach myself the basics of the stroke, work on my endurance, swallow half the pool, and put in my time.

But, Monday, it all paid off. I swam a mile and I'm pretty darn proud of myself. For those of you who are interested, I swam the distance in 29:30. No, I'm not ready for the Olympics or anything, but it's a start.

In retrospect, it's another reason that I started training for triathlons. This process is teaching me self-discipline and self-control. I've started new habits that have become a routine and given me new physical strength. Now, I need to translate that into my spiritual life. I need to start making prayer and study a part of my daily routine as well. Ironically, this very medium (the computer and the Internet) are some of the things that are distracting me from that very goal. But, just as it took me six months to add this new habit to my physical routine, I'm willing to allow myself adequate time to change this spiritual habit as well.


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