02 July 2007

More News...I Wish

Well, we're still here in Kuwait...Camp Buehring to be exact. We're getting trained up to head north to Iraq and our final stop. I just wish some of the training was pertinent to a chaplain. :)

We're doing a lot of weapons training, which leaves me out. We're getting some briefs, which are somewhat applicable. Mostly, I just tag along and talk to Soldiers...most of whom seem to be doing well. I have plenty of time to now hang out and catch up on the TV series Lost. I didn't watch it when it started and regretted it. Now I can remedy that situation. I'd also like to get into 24 while I am here, but one series at a time.

I made good on my promise and shaved my head once I got into Kuwait. Sunscreen is now my friend. Although, that's a dual-edged sword. If I keep using sunscreen, my dome will never get tanned and I'll have to keep using sunscreen. Oh well, a white scalp is better than a red one, I suppose. Could be worse, this could be the French-Indian War when white men could lose their scalp. But I digress...

The really exciting news is that we are headed to the field. *sarcasm on* Yea. *sarcasm off* Usually I don't mind going to the field but when the low temp is about 85 degrees or so and the highs are reaching 120, I'd much rather stay close to shade. Whatever. I'm a Soldier and I signed up for this. So, I'll go sleep in the desert and whatever else is out there.

Here's a funny thing, do you know what the hardest thing for me to do is? Call home. I'm doing better here with my company and the friends that I have made, but once I hear my wife's voice, I just lose it. I've only called home once and couldn't say fifty words to my wife. I spent the rest of the time just choking back tears. Even harder when you're in a phone bank with half a dozen military folks and you're trying to appear tough. Don't get me wrong, I've e-mailed her almost every day and she knows how I'm doing. It's just totally different when I get on the phone. They say that time heals all wounds. I hope that this one will scab up soon so that I can at least talk to Sara.

Expect no news for a while; I won't be back until sometime on Thursday. Until then, know that I'm doing fine and hanging in there. And thanks to all of you who have left comments; they really make my day!


Blogger SFC B said...

The scalp will tan, even through the sunscreen.

11:45 AM  
Blogger brush said...

Pastor, best wishes to you as your journey takes you to Iraq. You and Sara will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Steve Conradt from Clintonville

7:05 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

This morning on the news is a story of 7 more dead soldiers in Iraq. Those stories never got my attention before. Now I read them. I stop, think. I pray. Hard. For them, and for you, but mostly for your work, your mission. I love you, keep it up!


8:45 AM  
Blogger Justin and Jocelyn said...

Hey brother! Many prayers and much love to you! Totally random, but you mentioned the show 24... it's pretty much the best show ever! I've never seen Lost, so I can't compare the two, but go 24!! I got hooked 3 seasons ago. Gotta get back to packing- I move in a few days!

1:26 AM  

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