18 July 2004

Glossary of Terms

Okay, after typing out "Command Sergeant Major," I realized that I need to throw up a bit of an acronym glossary.  I realize that most people aren't fluent in "armyspeak" so I am going to throw some basics up here to help with future posts.  Here are some biggies in no particular order:
BN: Battalion (the whole group gathered in our starship [see below])
Starship: the barracks that house the 5 intended Companies of our unit.
BC: BN Commander
CDR: Commander, ergo BC= BN CDR (Now I'm starting to get the Organic Chem willies!)
XO: Executive Officer
S-1: Staff Section 1 (Personnel)
S-3: Staff Section 3 (Training and Operations)
S-4: Staff Section 4 (Supply)
CSM: Command Sergeant Major
CA: Chaplain Assistant
Joe: Another name for recruits.  Always collective, much like the use of "Charlie" in Viet Nam.
Joethrax: any number of ailments contracted because of one's close proximity to Joe.
DS: Drill Sergeant.  Sometimes referred to as a "Hat" because of the distinctive Campaign Hat.
FTX: Field Training Exercise.  An excursion to the field that is usually overnight and sometimes longer.
So, here's the quick quiz:  Today, the BC got on the S-1 because the CSM couldn't get the men that he needed for a detail.  Meanwhile, the S-3 and S-4 argued about who was accountable for the bayonets that Joe lost during the FTX.  Top didn't care about that, he was all over the DS's for letting Joe screw up like that.
Are you picking up what I'm laying down?  Good, because from now on, I'm just gonna stick the shorthand in parentheses behind the word once and you'll have to catch on.


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