13 July 2004


Well, for a while now, my free blog hosting site has had some free picture possibilities. Couldn't do much about it while locked in my Army office because this thing works through Instant Messaging, which the military kinda frowns upon. Security pish-posh or some such. But, now that I am free from the Iron Firewall, I can post what I want, when I want.

So, what better test message could their be than to send a snapshot of a great day. It's a picture of me and the two Gregs: Greg Suckow, a good friend since high school and a faithful Hawkeye, and Pastor Greg Fairow, a.k.a. Pastor Hawkeye. Truly, he is a voice calling out in the wilderness. You see, Pastor Fairow is the campus pastor for our Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod in Madison. That's right, everyday he works hard to preach both the Gospel of Christ and the gospel of Herky (is that heresy?) to the lost people of Madison.

The two young ladies are students from the University of Iowa, who have made the trek to Camp Randal Stadium to witness their beloved Hawkeyes crush the head of Bucky yet again. I wish I could remember their names, but, more importantly, they are Hawkeyes. That's all you need to know.


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