09 July 2004

Not what I thought...or could have dreamed

Well, it's Friday already. Even the Army doesn't stop when you're away for a bit. It's been a short week but a catch-up week, so there's been a lot to do.

Last weekend didn’t go quite the way I had planned. There wasn’t as much time sitting around and I thought because Sara wanted to go places and do things while I was home. Hey, that’s fine with me…but tiring. I came back on Tuesday more tired that when I left. She did such a good job of keeping me busy that I didn’t have any problem sleeping in until 8:00 or 9:00 each morning. That was all the longer the dogs would allow.

It was great to see all my family at St. Paul Lutheran Church. I was able to preach Saturday night and Sunday morning. It gave me a couple of great opportunities. First, I was able to give Pastor Tom a respite. My heart and prayers go with him a lot. I was really glad to be able to help out in this little way. Second, St. Paul kicked off a great ministry that I want to tell you about.

It started with the Soldiers here at Sand Hill. In my short time here, I have had dozens of requests for Bibles. The Gideon’s are gracious in providing New Testaments, but so many Soldiers are asking for the full Scriptures. It’s an expense that the Army doesn’t consider as important as others. But, it’s something that the Church considers important.

When I hit the wall in getting help in the Army, I turned to St. Paul. I contacted them and told them what I needed. They took the ball and ran with it. This past weekend, I explained what we were trying to do to the people of St. Paul. We launched the “Bibles for Soldiers” program and the people of St. Paul responded very generously. With what they gave just this past weekend, we’ll be able to buy 1,000 Bibles from the International Bible Society, and I’m sure that more will be coming after that. For now, these Bibles will be made available to the Soldiers who are doing their initial training here. Anyone who wants a Bible will be given one.

It’s seems the least that we can do, to make sure that young men who are volunteering to serve their country have a simple Bible to read and draw strength from. It’s heartening to see the Church rise to this challenge.


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