01 July 2004

I'm on my way!

Strains of Motley Crue are ringing in my ears: "Tonight! Tonight! I'm on my way! I'm on my waaaaay. HOME SWEET HOME!" At least I think that was Motley Crue. It was some Hair Band that I listened to before I had any sense of taste. Whoever it was, the message is still the same. After almost 2 whole months, I'm going home to see my lovely wife, Sara, and the "dynamic duo," Boomer and Trinity. I can't wait!

I've got a rough outline of what the weekend is going to look like. Tonight, I'm just going to sit on my porch, drink some wine, and watch the world go by. Then it'll be off to bed with my wife and 150 lbs. or Labrador Retrievers.

Tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be up by 0600 (old habits die hard) and I'll put in a few miles running. Come, home, make some coffee and sit on my porch as I watch the world go by, waiting for my wife to wake up. We'll quick pop into the church real quick so I can see the wonderful women that hold that place together and then it's an afternoon with the puppies, wearing them out. Dinner Friday night will be at Cucina, as Sara and I celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary that was Monday. We'll come home, open some wine, sit on the porch and watch the world go by.

Saturday, I'm preaching at St. Paul, trying to give Tom a break, and then we're having dinner with some good friends, Roger and Wendy, that evening. It'll all wrap up with some wine on the porch.

Sunday will be church all morning, lazing around all afternoon, fireworks that night, and some wine on the porch.

Monday is gonna be spent in Cedarburg with Bryan and Zachary, and if Ty and Denys, want to tag along as well, who am I to say "no"? I fly back that night and I'm back 0600 for PT on Tuesday. Already, I can see that the weekend is going to be too short, but aren't they always? I'm just glad to be heading home.


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