21 July 2004

Lesson Learned...the hard way

Today was our first Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) since hitting the ground in May.  I wasn't too worried about it because I have been under the wise tutelage of CPT Krieger and he's helped to "pump me up."  I was well prepared for anything but I had to sabotage my own self.

Yesterday, our S-4 was promoted to Major.  MAJ Adkins celebrated his promotion by taking us to a local eating establishment for some food and drinks and fun.  The only problem for me was that I had too much fun.  I ended up staying with the group that stayed until midnight...with my PT test at 0600, which meant a 0430 wake-up call.  It felt like I woke up 30 minutes after I fell asleep.  Ugh.

So, being the good trooper than I am, I was there in plenty of time, and I drank three bottles of Propel on my way in, trying anything I could to help me wake up and give me some sort of edge for my test.

To no avail.  I passed the test with 43 push-ups, 45 sit-ups and a two-mile time of 15:24, but I know I could have done better if I hadn't messed up last night.  Plus, I am still tipping the scales at 250, which is WAY outside Army regs.  Oh sure, most people look at me and say "you carry it well," but it doesn't matter.  I've still gotta deflate this spare tire around my gut.

And, while I passed the test, I am still not meeting the requirements for Airborne School.  Just to get in, I need to be able to do 42 push-ups, 52 sit-ups, and two miles in 15:54.  Plus, there is a pull-up requirement which I can't remember right now.  While ultimately it was a success, it's definitely not where I need to be.

Ah yes.  I remember the good-old-days of college cross-country and track where I was out until at least 2:00 a.m. before a Saturday meet and I still performed pretty well.  Could it be that I am getting old?  Nah.  That can't be it.

The good news is that I am not able to start over at square one.  The next test is rumored to be sometime in October, so I'll go back to the drawing board and work my tail off to get better. CPT Krieger will keep me on the weights, I'll get my run schedule set up, throw in some bike rides in the evening and hammer this thing out.  Hopefully I can drop a few pounds along the way and get that monkey...err...gorilla off my back.

Oh, and I'll be sure to be home plenty early the night before.


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