01 September 2005

Do Clothes Really Make the Man?

"Can a virgin forget her ornaments,
Or a bride her attire?
Yet my people have forgotten me days without number."
--Jeremiah 2:32 (NKJV)

Is the old addage true? Do clothes make the man? Or does a person make his clothes? Somehow, the Lord is drawing reference to the relationship between beauty and attire.

To hypothesize that we are the virgin and the bride who have forgotten the ornaments of the LORD seems egotistical to me at first. It would seem more likely that we should strive to be the ornaments of the LORD, a source of His boasting. "Consider my servant, Job," He says to Satan at the beginning of that book. The LORD boasts in the one who serves him as a young woman boasts in her new earrings.

But, what bride would consider walking down the aisle without spending months and months to find that one perfect dress, let alone consider walking around on that special day in not dress at all! No one would ever consider this. Yet, how many people do we know who walk around without the LORD each and every day. Sometimes we forget to "put on God" and instead grab whatever dirty, wrinkled old thing is laying on the ground closest to us. For some, they can't count the days since they last considered the LORD.

We need to think about what we wear, that is, our attitudes, actions, thoughts, feelings, and words. Keep in mind the words of the Apostle Paul: "For as many of you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." In our baptism, we put on Christ to cover our sinfulness. But, we also put him on to show him to the rest of the world. Don't forget him.


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