21 June 2004

Up and Running

Hey everyone! Did you miss me? Well I missed you all! How's everyone doing? That's good. Here's what's up with me.

As you can see, it's been about six weeks since I last posted here. It's been a long time of changing, moving, waiting, moving, waiting some more, and then working like a madman to get caught up from all the changes and moves and so forth.

So now I am settled into my new digs at Ft. Benning. I'm with an Infantry Training Unit out on Sand Hill. It keeps me busy. I'm usually here by 5:30 in the morning for Physical Training (PT) and if I'm out of here by 5:00 p.m., it's an early day. Lots to do. It's taken some time to adjust, but I'm getting there.

I'm just wrapping up a week as the Staff Duty Chaplain for the post. Thanks be to God that it was pretty uneventful! (knock on wood) I'll be "off duty" tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. Then I can finally get back to doing PT and getting ready for an upcoming Fitness Test.

Hopefully, now that things have settled down, I'll be back here putting up posts and telling you all how it's going. Stay tuned for more info on a regular basis!


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