21 July 2004

The Only Good Thing to Come from France

This is the only time that I care what the frogs have to say about anything.  And even then, I don't listen to what they have to say.  It's been a bit of a subdued TdF for me this year.

Last year, I was able to watch all the action on the Outdoor Life Network.  However, the local cable company doesn't carry it and, even if I were at home, it's on a section of cable that we don't get any more.  So now I jump over to the Cycling News section of Yahoo.com every day at noon, hoping for some news of Lance and his victory.  To see Thomas Voeckler in the mailotte jaune (Yellow Jersey) for so may days started me to worrying.  I kept telling myself "Wait for the alps.  Wait for the alps."  And that's what I did and that's what he did.

I believe he repeated a feat from last year, catching up with his closest competitor, Ivan Basso.  Basso had a two-minute head start, but it wasn't enough to stop Lance.

I have to admit that I admire Lance's life right now.  He gets paid to tour around Europe on his bike, ride the best equipment that Trek has to offer, and date Sheryl Crow.  I'm looking for a downside but I am not seeing it.  Well, I guess there was that whole bout with testicular cancer that he had.  On second thought, maybe I'm just content to be me.  I'd still like his bike, though.


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