02 May 2004

Appreciation Abounds!

Today was a one of those days that will stay with me forever. It's my last Sunday in Wisconsin; this time next week, I'll be somewhere on base at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Being such, we had a special commissioning and sending of me as a Missionary to the Military for the next year. We also installed Sara as our "Interim Director of Youth Ministry." It was great to be able to lay hands on Sara and pray for her ministry over the next year.

Following services, there was a pot-luck in my honor. Man, if you are going to have a last meal, a pot-luck is the way to go. I didn't over-eat too bad and I got a good taste of the best that St. Paul's has to offer. Following the meal, there was a short program to send me on my way. Some good friends, Beth, Larry, Don and Tom all had some great things to say. There was the requisite gag-gifts, mostly Looney Toons to go with my growing collection. Then I had a chance to share some of my feelings with the church, as well. They were very appreciative of me; and I am certainly appreciative of them. Many tears were shed by them and by us. It's finally starting to hit me that I am leaving for a longer time that I am ready to admit.

This evening, we went to Youth Worship down at the The Upper Room. At the end of worship, some girls from our youth ministry stood up and shared how much they are going to miss me. It was good for me to hear this because I had wondered if I was making any kind of difference. It's been a great affirmation of my ministry here. Why is it that these affirmations come when we are leaving? The great thing is, like MacArthur, I shall return.


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